Sunday, January 1, 2012

Out with the old and in with the Old!

Happy New Year!! May the new year bring wonderful things to all. Ever wonder why it is that people always complain about the previous year as if it were the plague? Like, 'Last year sucked, can't wait for 2012!' Yeah, me too. The fact is, yes, it is a new year. But how 'New' is it for everyone really? The country is still recovering from economic crisis, the unemployment rate is still down considerably, even considering all the jobs gained recently according to statistics. And there are still homeless people begging for change to get their next Jack Daniels fix on the streets of Manhattan. How much has or will your life really change as far as day to day? Not much I gather. You're still going to work where I am only assuming the same lame boss awaits your fuck up. You're still getting in the same car, or bus, or train as you did the day before your Christmas vacation began. What's probably worse, you still have not hit the lottery. However time will tell on all accounts. If I'm wrong, then you are extremely lucky. And all the more power and happiness to you. But for the majority, this is the truth. Day in and day out of monotony. Waiting for 5 o'clock. Waiting for that one thing that is going to make you forget about all your troubles. All the worry. All of the things that you don't want in your life. 

I'm not writing this to be the voice of reason or even to bring you down from the cloud that you so aptly placed yourself on from the New Years Eve libations. Or to destroy whatever dream you have of miraculously landing on a beach free of worry or financial burden. I am simply saying that I think we as a people put our expectations a bit out of reach at times. Now I'm absolutely NOT saying that you shouldn't want to be on a beach somewhere with a cocktail in your hand, appreciating your mansion. I just mean that as a whole we all have such a complacency from the drudges of everyday life that we forget what is most important. It's a sad state that you must sit down and think about what that is, to snap out of the so called reality that you've created for yourself. But it's true. And I am guilty of the same vice. Our world is stressful. Our jobs are stressful. And we are always on such a Starbucks induced high with a GO, GO, GO attitude that we've forgotten the simple things in life and what they really should mean to us. As opposed to the numb robotic coma we've placed ourselves in where those things mean nothing. What's more, to our kids. But even within my bitter diatribes, in the back of my mind all I can do is take the deepest of breaths so as not to let this moment go by, good bad or indifferent so when it is my turn to cross over I can say I lived well. Crazy....but well. 

I've written a list of things that are a MUST, every day (if at all possible) to appreciate and take in, so as to try to 'live' better. I may not be a guru on life and you don't have to listen to me. But, these things have always been a source for me to appreciate all my time here on this earth. Because lets face it, it's not exactly very long. So, here you go. 

1) Breathe - It sounds so simple. You're like what are you talking about? I breathe all day long! You probably aren't even aware of it, but when you're stressed or mad, you tend to tense up and hold your breath instead of taking normal deep breaths. This I learned from therapy. When you find you are anxious or are going through a stressful time, go to Staples, or OfficeMax and buy colored dot stickers. They will probably have them in the school section. Bring them home or to your office and put one on every area in your house that you go to most often. The phone, the fridge, the bathroom doorknob. Every time you see it, no matter where you're standing, stop and take a deep breath. Or 2 or 3. It works!

2) Go get wet - It's not what it sounds like. Perv! Get your mind out of the gutter! Although if that's what tickles your fancy and relieves your woes, then by all means, DO IT! But no, that's not what I'm referring to. What I am referring to is the rain. When you're feeling down, or going through a rough patch, go outside in the rain. As long as it's not an icy frigid rain, you're perfectly fine. Take your raincoat(aka 'slicker') and get out there and get wet! Stop, close your eyes and let it hit your face. How awesome must this feel to someone living in the desert? Or a place during a drought? Remember what it was like to be a kid. Taste it. Sounds crazy? It's far from it. We were all kids once. Happy and go lucky. And there is nothing better for your nerves than getting back to that. Go out there by yourself or with your kids regardless how old they are. When the summer is here, splash around the puddles and you'll make memories that last forever. This may sound gross to all the country folks, but I grew up in Queens, NY. And some of my fondest memories are of splashing in the gutters with my cousins in the middle of summer and in the middle of a thunder storm while the hydrants were gushing. Love it!  And hey, can't do any of this? Take a shower. Studies show that taking a shower is the same as meditation. It lowers your blood pressure, promotes circulation and promotes a state of calm. Ohmmmm.... :o)

3) Spend time with family - Not much compares. If you're a parent, your children become your immediate family. And there is no reward greater than rolling around on the floor tickling your kids,  hearing their maniacal laughter. Or see the happiness in their face when you get on their level and play with them. Regardless of what you're doing. Doing things with your kids is priceless. It makes memories and shows your kids you really do appreciate and love them. What is greater?  It does amazing things for your state of mind, and your confidence as a parent knowing you're spending time with your babies. And if you don't have kids well listen, no-one has the perfect family. No-one! Not even those that seem normal on the outside. Those are probably the craziest. The benefits are that there is that level of familiarity. A certain predictability that although sometimes boring, can be very comforting. Besides, not only will all those nutty stories while hanging out with said people give you something to relate to others about, you'll make memories. Amidst all the not so fun moments somehow you're all bonding. Most importantly at the end of the day you all do genuinely love eachother and if they were gone, you'd miss them. 

4) Turn off the Media - Despite what we'd like to tell ourselves, we are all media whores. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but it's true. We are all(myself included) are face down all day long. TV, computers, cell phones, playbooks, ipads, kindles, nooks, Playstation, Wii and all the others. Then of course, there's work. Because you just don't do enough of it 'in the office'. Sometimes, in order to get back to what's most important we must pull the plug. As hard as it may seem, it is possible. Turn it all off and go outside. Take your kids to the park and don't bring the phone with you. Get lost on purpose just to see where the road leads. Find places. Look at the trees. Marvel at how nature just twists and turns around the business that is 'us'. Watch the squirrels run around like crazy creatures chasing eachother. Bring some bread and feed some birds. Lay in a pile of leaves and look up into the sky. Think about how lucky you are to be alive. Smile at people even if they don't smile back. Sing even if you don't know how. And loud! Drop some money into the Salvation army bucket even if it's just a few nickels. Hold a door for someone. Take a leisurely drive. Anywhere. Even for a few hrs and just see where it will take you. See what adventures you can get yourself into. If you don't have the time, make the time. Leave work early with the big pile of crap on your desk. Say F it for once. Appreciate everything and everyone around you. You have no idea how much calm and peace and happiness just letting go can bring you. 

Look, the fact is, there is a child somewhere that you don't know, in a hospital bed sick, probably with cancer. And will not get to do even 'half' of the things that we all take for granted on a 'daily' basis. My own Grandmother had a stroke almost 2 years ago. Long story short, she is paralyzed on her right side and her memory has been wiped clean. Along with her ability to communicate at all. So the way I see it, and this goes for me as well. This year alot of my friends lost friends and loved ones to illness and disease. So as far as I see it, we all have a responsibility to enjoy what we are given and not take our lives for granted. Or the people in it. Life is short. It seems long on bad days. And trust me, I know it can be. But when you look at the grand scheme of things, nothing is guaranteed. Not even tomorrow. So start making this your day for change. Start small and see where it takes you. For all you know you could just find yourself on that beach by accident. Sipping on your cocktails living it up. No guarantee that it will happen. But here's hoping! Cheers! 

Happy New Year!! -V

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