Thursday, August 13, 2015

A Home.

A house does not equal a 'Home'. 
It is but a place that keeps you shielded from the rain, or the heat, or the cold and snow.

It is simply a dwelling. An apartment, A cottage, A long house or wigwam. It can be a tent or even the night sky for some. 

But it is just a place. It is not tangible although that's what it implies. No. We have many homes in our lifetimes. Even if we've stayed in one place our entire lives. 

No spot of land could ever equal 'A Home'. Only others can do that. The people we choose to let in. 

Home is the imprint on our soul from the one we love. From our children. The pets you call family. The Friends you put there. The memories, which are so much richer than that which costs money. It's the kisses, and 'I Love You's'. The 'Good Jobs' and many milestones and unexpected curves of life that you ride together. 

Home is the laughter, and the tears that are shared. But also the sorrows and disagreements. The mending and the fixing of those relationships. The constants and continuations. The losses. Home is where the most raw emotions are felt. And where the most important decisions are made. It is the 'everything'. All the time, hand in hand, heart to heart.

A home is never and will never be defined by it's walled limits. But by the people. 

By the Family and friends you welcome in asking them to stay and love and live and be.....together...

Forever. <3 

So......we are moving again. Back to North Carolina. It comes with sorrow and excitement. Bittersweet, as they say. I've made some pretty rich and amazing friendships. Got to have some very great and memorable times with my family. I am always and forever grateful for it. And for the lessons I've learned while being here in New York. And who knows what the future holds maybe bringing us back here or someplace closer, or whatever one day. You just never know. All I can do is grieve the loss of the time I won't have with some of the most important people in my life. Easy right?'s not. And it won't be. But...I will be OK. We all will....eventually. And what makes things so awesome is that I have friends who are like family already waiting for us down there. I'm very excited about that. I mean moving sucks. There is no way around it. Even though we are getting the movers to pack for us, and move everything I still have a lot to do and with 3 crazy kids in tow. Thank GOD Shawn is home. But I wanted to convey how even though we will miss our house it's just a place. The memories that are made are with us and not with the house. And are with our family and friends, not necessarily the places those memories are made. It's in our home inside of us in our soul. 

So.  Here's to new lessons, rekindled old friendships, new experiences, a healthy future, and new beginnings for all of us. And all of you. 


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